
Hi there! As I am sure you can tell from the extreme lack of anything happening lately, that this little blog of mine is taking a backseat to everything else going on. So, I’m officially signing off for now. Thanks to all of you who read my blog and supported my posts. Thanks for trying my recipes and giving me such great feedback on everything.

I will still be tweeting (but changing my handle soon) and I will still be posting pics on Instagram. I am keeping my email for this blog active if any of you miss me so much you can’t handle not talking to me haha.  

Thanks again loves, it’s been grand 🙂

iHerb Shopping Spree!

Hey guys! My oh my have I had a WEEK! I am SO busy this week, it’s kind of crazy. I *think* things should die down in the next week or so, but I guess we will see.

At Blend Retreat I was lucky enough to win $50 to use at iHerb. It’s a website where you can buy vitamins and supplements, and food and coffee and beauty stuff and a lot of other things. It’s similar to VitaCost, which is what my husband and I usually use, but we might be switching.

I am not going to lie, it took a while to drill down what I wanted. I had so many things in mind! I decided to get something I needed, and then a few things I had been wanting to try but didn’t really want to spend money on. Here is what I settled on:

Growing Naturals Organic Raw Protein in Vanilla Blast

I am LOVING this so far! I’ve only had it in the Tone It Up protein pancake, but I love them 100 times more now. I definitely prefer rice proteins, they love my tummy and my tummy loves them!

Avalon Organics Biotin B-Complex Shampoo and Conditioner

I’ve only used this once since it arrived in the mail, but I LOVE it! I have very fine hair that lacks volume. I have a hard time getting the volume where I like it because any amount of product leaves it greasy most of the time! What’s a girl to do. The other night I washed my hair and let it air dry, and I was pleasantly surprised by the extra volume without even styling it.

Reviva Labs Professional Strength Hyaluronic Acid Serum

So I kept hearing about hyaluronic acid here and there from beauty blogs. From everything I’d read it’s a super hydrating serum that smooths out skin to make your makeup look better on the skin. So far so good. I’ve noticed that my skin is more hydrated throughout the day.

They also threw in a tea sample and a measuring tape. I was SO impressed by how fast everything came. It was great!

Do you buy things like protein powders on-line? If  usually don’t unless I’ve tried the brand before and know I like it. It’s a great way to save some money though!

Recipe: Protein Banana Bread Muffins

Morning! I hope you’re having a wonderful day 🙂 The husband and I are lucky enough to have the day off. Just a friendly reminder to remember WHY we get this lovely three day weekend.

Things have been fantastic on the Tone It Up nutrition plan, and one of my favorite parts is that I have found new inspiration to try new recipes. I mean, how long has it been since I did a recipe post?! Sad.

I had three bananas that were waaaaay past their prime. Well for me that’s like a day after being perfectly ripe, I cannot stand overripe bananas! But I hate to see them go to waste, so I started looking up ideas. One of the first things that game to mind was banana bread. I’m a huge fan of baking, but I find it hard to make easy gluten free substitutions. This was one of my first recipes that came out pretty great on the first time.

Protein Banana Bread Muffins

(Adapted from this recipe)


Three large ripe bananas
Three scoops chocolate protein powder (or vanilla, whichever you like, I’ve heard that non-whey protein can be better for baking but use what you prefer)
1 1/3 cup flour of choice. I used quinoa but use while wheat if you’d rather. You can also blend to make your own custom mix.
1/4 – 1/2 cup sweetener. I used a combo of Xagave and stevia powder. This will affect the end calorie count, if that’s relevant to you.
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 egg whites
1/4 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350*

Mix all the dry ingredients together, then add and mix all the wet ingredients.

Line a cupcake tin and spray with nonstick spray.

Fill the liners with the batter. These don’t rise much so you can fill them relatively high.

Bake for 25-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean.

Try to let them cool before you totally devour them 🙂

Alternate cooking method: poor batter into a greased bread pan and bake for about 40 minutes.

These are yumm! The quinoa flour isn’t an exact replacement for wheat so I’m not making promises but these are great! Super filling and very high in protein.

Current Food Loves

Hi there! I hope your week is going swimmingly. I feel like I haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep in at least a week, and it’s really starting to take it’s toll. I am stressed about some things coming up with work, and it’s just not working for me.

I think it’s fairly obvious that I get very into certain foods, eat them up, then don’t look at them for months at a time. It’s just how I roll. Here are some foods I am currently loving and show up a few times a week on my plate.

Chinese Walnut Chicken:

Love this recipe! I’ve adapted it from an old copy of the Woman’s Day Encyclopedia of Cookery from 1966 that my mom gave me (it was my grandma’s before that). It’s a recipe that we had ALL the time growing up, so it’s a comfort food for me. I tweaked the recipe, and I just love it! I’m actually having left overs for a snack today 🙂

Eggless Salad Wraps:

The tofu eggless salad made an appearance last summer as well, and it’s BACK! I like to mash up tofu with spicy mustard and wrap in a whole wheat tortilla with whatever veggies are around, and then add LOTS of pickles. It’s just not the same without the pickles! Then I add some more spicy mustard, just in case. (To go tip: wrap the wrap in foil and peel it away to make an easy and less messy on the go lunch! I think my boss appreciates it when I am not running around with food all down my shirt… oh wait… that still happens…)

Dinner Salads:

One of the main reasons we tend to eat out is that I usually don’t want to make dinner. Enter the salad. I am trying to keep the fridge stocked with yummy salad items I can throw together to make a lean and green dinner. This one had grilled chicken, beans, tomatoes and cucumber. Yum!

Chobani Yogurt

More specifically, Chobani Champions, yeah, the kids one. LOVE IT. They are 100 calories, 8 grams of protein and cheaper than the regular Chobani. Also, I used to not be able to eat any kind of yogurt without a horrible tummy ache, but for some reason, no problemos here! Win!

Quinoa Tortilla:

Holy amazing! I got this recipe from Gina’s wonderful blog The Fitnessista. (One of my all-time fave blogs! She is so inspirational and so down-to-earth, and her daughter is as cute as a button!) Yesterday I had one topped with black beans, avocado, and salsa. AMAZING.

What are some things you’re loving to eat lately?

Not a Fashionista

Hiya!! I hope you are all doing well. I just got back from traveling to Tampa for work. Too bad I could have been ANYWHERE in the world, we never got to enjoy it… I’m going to quite a big funk right now, I’m really not feeling like myself, so thanks for baring with my randomness 🙂

There are a lot of things I would describe myself as, none of which is a fashionista. I am not really sure what it is, I like looking nice, and I like investing in nice, classic wardrobe pieces but I think that a large part of me doesn’t want to spend a lot of money until I’ve reached my goal weight (which seems a million miles away, but we will get to that later).

It’s kind of dawning on me how dumb that is. It’s going to take a while, and you don’t need to break the bank to get some nice pieces to spruce up your wardrobe. Especially now that it is spring! When I lived in California I could get away with pretty much the same wardrobe year-round just thrown in a sweater or sun dress here and there. Here it’s a little different. So in the coming months I want to head out and hit up stores like the Nordtrom Rack and H&M and Old Navy  to get a few pieces that will spring-ify my wardrobe.

Pencil skirt:


(From Charlotte Russe $16.99) I love me a cute pencil skirt for work, and come fall, I can wear it with tights and boots! Win! I actually had one that I loved but it was dry clean only and someone who shall not be named (coughcoughmyhusbandcough) threw it in the washer and drier. Le sigh.




(Old Navy, $29.95 — just wait for a sale, their prices are ridic when there’s a sale, I don’t think I’ve ever paid more than $20 for something from there) These are something I keep forgetting about, but I think if I can find a cute pair that is flattering on my (read: doesn’t make my hips look like they are taking over the world) they will be a good spring/summer staple. I feel like I need to mention here that I HATE my legs, and it has to be about 90 million degrees to get me into shorts. I have a few pair, but I hate them so much. **shudders**


Cute tops:


( Old Navy, $8.99 on sale;  I have some fantastic work tops from CAbi (hands down my favorite line of clothing, I just wish that I could afford more pieces) but I am in dire need of some variety and some summery tops. I think you might be getting the gist that I don’t like these warm weather months, and I think it’s because I feel so friggin gross and hot and uncomfortable, and then no matter what I wear, I feel huge. I don’t know what my problem is, but clearly it’s a big one. I want to get some cute, flattering summery tops to throw into the mix. Especially some nautical-inspired ones!

 Last but certainly not least is THE MOST IMPORTANT warm weather item of all:



SUNSCREEN!! I wear at least SPF 25 on my face every day, and I put at minimum 15 SPF on my body before I leave the house for work. If I am taking Aurora out for a walk or anything, I spray on more SPF. I had a skin biopsy last summer and by the looks of it, it was textbook melanoma. I was super fortunate that it was just a regular mole, but it definitely caught my attention and made me even more serious about sunscreen (as did Alyssa’s posts about her surgeries from skin cancer). And if all that isn’t enough to convince you to wear sunscreen and fake tan it up, then hopefully this will. No sunscreen = WRINKLES. Trust me, I am 24 and I already have prematurely aging skin.

Back from BLEND!

Hi there!! I am glad/sad to be back from a totally awesome weekend at Blend Retreat. It. Was. Awesome. I met so many amazing bloggers, made some great friends, and got some fantastic swag. Seriously. I think my bag doubled in weight on the way home.



Not pictured because I ate it: pop chips, beanitos, and dry soda. Good thing we had all those snacks because we were super active!! We had 2 boot camps, a crazy good hike and more. I’ll post a full recap soon, I can’t think right now, I’m still sleepy! I am so glad I have today off work. I’ll be traveling later this week for work, so I got to take an extra day. Win.

For breakfast today I did not feel like cooking at all (actually that means I didn’t want to do the dishes that follow cooking, just keeping it real). So I had a Core Power protein drink and some fruit.


This morning I had the honey flavor which was so good. After the hike this weekend I had the vanilla one and it seriously tastes like melted ice cream. It would be fantastic blended up with some ice for a creamy treat!

I’m officially hooked on these, they are protein packed, not too sweet, and they don’t upset my stomach like a lot of protein drinks do (I’m thinking because it’s lactose free). The nutrition stats are great too, but a little higher in sugar than I’d like for a meal drink, but perfect for a post workout drink (which is what they’re made for). I haven’t seen these in stores around here so I hope I can find them! I’m already craving one 🙂

How was your weekend?


Helloooo! I am feeling random and talkative today so here are some random facts I felt the need to share.

Fact: I AM SO TIRED. My loving husband of two years set his alarm at 5 a.m. to hit up the gym before work. He didn’t wake up when it went off AND he didn’t get up, leaving me to have to deal with the pup (the SECOND the alarm goes off in the morning she is UP, snoozing is not a known concept for her). I was seriously MAD. Waking me up is never a good idea, if I am seriously tired I become filled with rage, it’s not good.

Fact: Speaking of the pup, we got her a new crate yesterday. She has been stuck in her crate while I am at work because she likes to scratch at, and make holes in, the walls. But I knew it was getting too small and pretty much felt like the worst person ever.

We got the crate from this seller at a crazy good price, if you’re in the Salt Lake City area contact him directly and you can get an even cheaper price than what’s on his site (the image is from the seller’s site 🙂 ). We got her the intermediate size, which is for dogs up to 50 lbs. She is 15 lbs. What can I say, girlfriend likes to sprawl. We were very lucky that it was so easy to crate train her, she already had had a bit of it before we got her, and we just kept rolling with it. She sleeps in it and knows that that is HER place, she has never had an accident in her crate, and still likes to suckle on her bed (we just moved the old one from the old crate into the new one) I am a little worried about what will happen if we change it out at some point.

Fact: I AM GOING TO BLEND RETREAT THIS WEEKEND. I am ridiculously excited. Like can’t focus on work, time has slowed down, and at this point all I am doing is making a packing list in my head.

Fact: Check out Janetha’s (aka my new bff who I FINALLY get to meet this weekend!!) Move More in May? Check it out, it’s the perfect time of year to get moving more, AND you can win prizes. I have my eye on the lululemon gift card… 🙂

Fact: I am really having issues with the layout of our bathroom. It has NO counter space, and the shelves are above the toilet. I dropped the hair dryer in it last week, my eye cream in it the week before, and today I dropped my face sun screen. This is not acceptable people. What we really need is a dresser with some kind of mirror on top that I can use as a vanity in the bedroom. To Ikea!

Fact: Speaking of dropping things, I feel like I’ve been so clumsy lately, and that’s saying something. I am a clumsy person already, and I am seriously taking it to a new level. I am finding bruises from running into things dropping food everywhere, yesterday I spilled my soup ALL over my keyboard at work. I flipped it over and let it drain and it seems to be fine today, but still, pull it together. And no. I am not pregnant.

Tell me a fact!

I’m Back!

Well hi there!! I bet you thought I had dropped off the face of the planet. I think I get the most sporadic blogger award 😉 work has been nuts and it’s really hard to sit down and write a post when you have a puppy whose favorite perch is your chest. Seriously. She feels the need to be SO close to me that she will sometimes lay across my chest while we’re on the couch. And I let her because it makes me feel loved and her tummy is so warm! She also likes to perch on my shoulder and sit in the sunlight by the window, kind of like a cat.


Anywhoooo, since my half marathon I’ve done 2 races and 2 runs for a grand total of 12 miles. In 4 months. At first I was disappointed in myself and then scared that I might not like running anymore. It seriously took a ridiculous amount of effort to get myself out the door for those runs and all but ONE was done because I had committed to doing them with friends.

I was pretty sure that I was over running. Like an it’s not you it’s me type thing. The guilt set in, and then I was scared that if I did run, I would not be able to do it.

I finally got myself psyched to run the day before yesterday after work. I walked a bit with my husband and the pup to warm up, then I ran a loop that’s just shy of three miles. And includes a hill of death. I walked up that part but SERIOUSLY I wanted to die, I need to check on my garmin how much of an elevation change it is. My goal is to continue to do this loop a few times a week and eventually RUN up the hill of death without actually facing death.

Once I actually got out there, sans music, just me and my breathing, I was reminded how much I enjoy running! I had had a long busy day at work, but it all melted away. Also, because I am not training for anything, I simply ran until I felt like I needed a break, walked for a bit and then continued. But don’t confuse this with an easy workout, any time I wanted a break I would pick a spot in the distance and run HARD till I got there, then walked for less than a minute.

By the time I got home I was drenched in sweat and feeling really good about getting out there!

Bottom line, I like running, and I think I just needed a break after my half to remember that. So much of my training was completed because I felt that I HAD to not that I WANTED to. There’s no point in forcing yourself to do something you dread, so I am glad I took some time to step back.

Also, fun fact, yesterday was my two year anniversary!

Being the worst wife ever, I forgot that I had to go to the dance studio to help out, and like an idiot I forgot that the 1st was a Tuesday. Also, I steal the M&Ms out of his trail mix.

Five Fun Finds

Morning friends! I hope you had a great weekend! Mine was lovely, I got to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather we had here (and are still having). I had a fantastic Saturday morning ballet class (the teacher seriously felt the need to punish my calves, they are killing me still), took an AMAZING nap, and spent the rest of the day outside! Yesterday we spent most of the morning at the park, enjoyed a yummy sushi lunch at Happy Sumo (if you live near one check out their VIP program, WORTH IT) on the patio, hit up a new-to-me bar, and just relaxed.

I’ve come across some fun things in the last few weeks, so I thought I would share!

1. The Garage.


This is a bar in Salt Lake (maybe technically it’s out of the city limits, it’s on the way to Bountiful…) I’ve driven past it a bunch of times on the way to my friend’s place, but kind of thought it was a dive/biker bar. Well it’s not, really! Someone mentioned that they had corn hole and fried funeral potato (a total Utah thing, but my mom has made them for years under the name “cheesy potatoes”) bites, so I was IN. It was a nice way to spend our Sunday afternoon.

2. KLUTCH Club.

I read about this on another blog. HOW FRIGGIN COOL. I want a subscription, but it would also be such a great gift for someone who you know who is either passionate about health and fitness or wants to be and is interested in trying new things but isn’t quite sure how. It’s also a great way to try products you usually might not pick out for yourself. (Husband, if you are reading this, consider this a giant wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)

 3. My new Lululemon top  

I just saw that this is on sale now. WTF GUYS. I seriously HATE it when that happens. I bought this for dance initially, but I’ve been wearing it a lot more than I was expecting to. I especially LOVE how forgiving it is in the tummy area. Now to get something that is as flattering on my arms… (seriously I could write 10 posts on how much I hate them).

4. My new flats!

So I finally invested in some more expensive flats. I really needed to and since Aurora decided to rip out the lining of a few, I thought one good pair that I keep in the closet when they aren’t on my feet is a good idea. I had seen the TOMs flats, loved them, but wasn’t a huge fan of the price. I tried them on though and fell in love! The grey linen is a good spring neutral and they are so comfy!

5. Dermalogica products

I got a facial before I got my hair done last weekend, and they used Dermalogica products. This was my first time using the brand, and I am loving it. But seriously, WHY do I have to have such expensive tastes? One thing that she told me that I knew but was avoiding was that I have premature aging skin. (WEAR SUNSCREEN PEOPLE) I knew this, and I am loving the results of the facial. I want to get the month-long trial for their AGEsmart system and see how it goes from there. That way I can try the products out and see which I like.

Share something new to you with me!

Listening to Your Body

Morning! Happy Monday, or something along those lines, I cut my pretty good while trying to open a box, and I am fairly sleepy today. What can you do? I had a great weekend. Got a lot of things done, although not as much as I’d like (it always seems to be the case for me…) and still got to fit in some relaxing.

As you know I’ve been diving a little deeper into this whole “clean eating” business and I’ve been reading quite a few interesting articles and books. But I can’t stop thinking about no matter how many times you call something a “lifestyle” it’s still pretty much a DIET. I’ll get more into my full thoughts later.

Tara Stiles is a yoga instructor, author, and yoga video goddess and I LOVE her books and videos. Especially her little tidbits of wisdom she shares on Facebook and Twitter.

Not too long ago (OK really in February, where is time going?) Tara posted on her Facebook page “It’s easier to go on a diet than pay attention to what your body needs. It’s easier to do what someone says than to decide for yourself. It’s easier to give your power away than to rise and take a stand. Fortunately you have the ability to choose.”

Isn’t she so smart? I think that the first sentence is THE reason why diets fail. You aren’t listening to your body, you’re just doing what someone says is best. Think about that for a little bit. Would you do that with other aspects of your life? Would you just wear whatever someone put out for you that day, no questions asked? Would you just live in a house and work in a job just because you were told to do it? Would you just take medications someone handed you because they said it would be best for you? Where do you live Panem? (hehehe) (And if you’ve done the last one, then there’s a strong chance you’ve done illegal drugs, just sayin…)

So why on earth do we follow diets that tell us when, how, how much and how often to eat? Eating is one thing that you have complete control over. Also if we let them, our bodies are really good about telling us what it wants. We just have to listen! This goes back to Bethenny Frankle’s book where she talks about your food voice vs. food noise. It’s just really hard to figure out which is which!

I do think that some diets can be a good jumping off point, like the 5-Factor Diet, or the Clean Eating Diet, or even the 17 Day diet (I wouldn’t do Phase 1, that’s just me though) to get on track with a healthier lifestyle, but if you let it, these diets will drown out your food voice completely and when you go off-diet, you will go crazy!

It all kind of dawned on me when last week on my way to the dance studio I went to grab an iced coffee and got a brownie. In my mind I was so upset with myself, I had eaten so great all day, why was a ruining it with this? I couldn’t deny that I was indeed hungry and a little tired. So I started drafting a tweet about why do I get so hungry between 2 and 4 p.m. and which always derails my day and ruins everything. Then it dawned on me. Maybe there’s a reason I am hungrier then. Maybe my body just wants a larger meal later in the day. But then I thought, but all the weight loss books say no carbs after lunch if possible and yada yada. Well self, did YOU write this book? Then how does the author know when YOU are most hungry? Say all you want about when science says my metabolism is fastest, if I am consistently hungry at that time, there is a reason.

I feel like I’m rambling, but the bottom line is that whether we are obese and eating McDonald’s 4 times a day or following the strictest of healthy diets, we are ignoring what our bodies suggest, and at the end of the day, they really know what’s best!

My challenge for you this week is to think about when you do or don’t listen to your body, and try to think about why.