From A to Z

Hi there! How are all of you doing this week? I am going to be honest, I am having a craptastic week, and I just want to curl up in bed and not come out for like a month. I don’t know if it’s just a lot of things happening at once or what, but I am in serious need of a break.

My new BFF (even if she doesn’t know it yet… 😉 ) Janetha posted a fun survey, so it is ON! Here is a link to the template if you want to participate. She actually made this one all by herself, so when you get this in a chain email 3 months from now saying if you don’t fill it out in 10 minutes and respond to 18 people or you will DIE, know this is where it came from, and it didn’t have those intentions 🙂

A is for age: 24

B is for breakfast today: almond milk vanilla latte and an amazing breakfast sandwich. I needed some comfort food 🙂

C is for currently craving: I JUST finished dinner, so nothing really, my belly is FULL! I could take another one of those latte’s

D is for dinner tonight: Chicken strips 🙂

E is for favorite type of exercise: DANCE. Ballet to be specific.

F is for an irrational fear: My husband getting in a horrible accident or getting really sick and passing away.

G is for gross food: Okra

H is for hometown: Los Olivos, California. If you can find it without looking it up you are my BFF.

I is for something important: Family

J is for current favorite jam: When I originally read this I thought she meant fruit spread, so I am going to go with it: seedless rasperry. ALWAYS.

K is for kids: Not anytime soon, thankyouverymuch.

L is for current location: My couch.

M is for the most recent way you spent money: Groceries. I go for coffee and I end up spending $40 on random things…

N is for something you need: A nap and a hug.

O is for occupation: Public Relations Specialist

P is for pet peeve: Too many to list, but today, people talking for no good reason in a meeting and making a fool of themselves and wasting my time.

Q is for a quote: I am too sleepy to think of one right now.

R is for random fact about you: I graduated college early. I don’t know why that popped up into my head but it did.

S is for favorite healthy snack: Right now, WASABI peas.

T is for favorite treat: Depends on what I am in the mood for. Ice cream or pizza.

U is for something that makes you unique: I seriously can’t think of something right now.

V is for favorite vegetable: Any squash.

W is for today’s workout: Nada. Playing with a puppy counts, right?

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Ankle a few times, mouth A LOT.

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Yesterday was a pit of horribleness. My lunch was good.

Z is for your time zone: Mountain Daylight Time.

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